Hidden Brains offers highly motivated and skilled .NET Core developers for hire. Our team of experienced .NET Core offer a proven track record in developing high-quality, user-friendly, and scalable applications with the .NET Core Framework.
Our .NET experts act as a natural extension of your in-house team, speeding your development process and helping you cut development costs by up to 50%. At Hidden Brains, our experienced developers built applications of different sizes and complexity with background in maintenance, support and continuous improvement for applications, or full-scale development for new projects.
Extend your in-house team with our expert offshore .NET Core developers for a consistent collaboration with your in-house team.
Hire expert .NET Core developers with years of experience to develop full-featured custom web development solutions tailored specifically to align with your business needs.
Remote offshore developers to maximize the features and customization of applications with ASP.NET Core third-party integration services, ensuring seamless services.
Expert .NET Core developers can provide comprehensive integrations of applications with cloud services such as Azure, Google Cloud and AWS, ensuring simple, efficient access to all data.
Hire expert .NET Core developers from Hidden Brains to migrate your legacy applications to reliable and full-featured modern applications by retaining its core functionalities.
Offshore .NET Core developers provide maintenance services to ensure seamless performance across devices without errors.
Hire .NET Core developers with proficiency in WebAPI to optimize performance by utilizing in-built functions like architecture and design patterns.
Get a team of dedicated .NET Core developers who are ready to provide assistance when you need it, ensuring you unparalleled support, as well as flexibility to adapt to a changing technology landscape.
Select from different models to hire .NET Core developers to access top-notch talent as well as meet the sudden increase in workload or bridge the skill gap.
Through our managed team model, we grant you access to a specialized group of .NET Core developers and an assigned manager who will oversee every stage of the project, from beginning to end.
By collaborating closely with their client's internal teams or project supervisors, our .NET Core developers ensure prompt time to market, provide offshore development assistance, and ensure successful deliverables.
This model takes advantage of having teams both at the on-site and offshore development centres, delivering custom solutions for highly competitive business scenarios. This effectively unites the benefits of the two teams, creating a hybrid of optimized results.
Check out simple steps to hire expert .NET Core developers for your web development project.
Get all your questions answered before hiring the right resource.
Hiring Microsoft .NET Core developers team from Hidden Brains is a simple process. Simply send our experts your project requirements and get in-depth technology consulting. Based on your business needs, select an engagement model, sign off contract and begin work with your developer.
The cost to hire a .NET Core developer can vary based on several factors, including the developer's experience, the complexity of the project, and the specific requirements. Generally, the hourly rates for .NET Core developers range from U$25 to US$65. If you need a more precise quote tailored to your custom .net core software development project's needs, it's best to consult with our development team directly.
You can unlock the potential of your business by using our hire dedicated .NET Core developers service. Our skilled team of .NET Core programmers, engineers specializes in building cross-platform, high-performance, and scalable web applications tailored to your needs. Whether you require full-time, part-time, or project-based .NET Core developers, we offer flexible hiring models to ensure seamless service delivery and quick time to market. Partnering with us will enhance your .NET Core development process, reduce costs, and achieve your business goals with cutting-edge .NET Core solutions.
We use our own project management system to constantly keep track of all ongoing projects, allocate tasks and monitor their progress with our developers, who can be contacted through Skype, Hangouts, Email and Phone. Our staff is familiar with many other tools such as JIRA, Slack, Teamwork and Basecamp.